For someone who came from a family of smokers, I cannot be happier to read news that Singapore have extended the area of non-smoking to places like lift lobbies, market, car parks, ferry terminal, playgrounds, shopping malls, shop, factories, hotel lobbies and within five meter of entrance and exits with effective 1 Jan 2009.
Did not forget the nth times that my grandfather, dad, uncle and brother would smoked while driving or while watching TV in the living room. And many times of reminders that fall on deaf ear. I had suffered second hand smoke for at least 20 years.
Now that I am here for many years, I do appreciate the clean air at home and whenever I go out shopping, have a meal or a drink. But occasionally, you do get the smell of cigarette when walking behind a smoker. Feel like throwing a pail of water on their head. Haha...
Hope that other countries are doing this too..I read that Taiwan and India are also extended the no smoking zone too...Let this movement spread...."clap clap".